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Availability: Available
SKU: 709706


Grab your friends and family and become the most successful real estate tycoon in the house.

The money may be imaginary, but the competition is real. Oshawa residents can now play a board game based on their own hometown. The Oshawa-Opoly board game, based on Monopoly, is available now. Canadian-owned and operated Outset Media has a new limited edition board game that celebrates the great things Oshawa offers. Oshawa-Opoly takes an original spin on the classic version of Monopoly by including locations like the Parkwood Estate, Oshawa Zoo, Harman Park Arena, and many others.

2-6 players. 60-240 minutes. Ages 8+

Additional information

Weight 0.9 kg
Shipping Dimensions 27 × 39 × 5 cm


Game Family


Game Mechanics

Negotiation, Roll-Spin to Move, Set Collection

Play Type

Family, Kids

Player Number

2, 3+, 4+


Buildings, Canadiana, Cityscapes, Travel


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